My parents and brother are abusive. When I turned 20, I could leave their house, but I have many issues to solve. I realized I don’t think too much before making a decision. I am much more emotional than rational, I’m desperate to make decisions, and anxiety is my last name. All the time I make decisions, I regret. I know I never had a chance to learn how to make my own decisions because my nparents never allowed me to be myself. I never had opportunity to choose my own clothes, my haircut, what to eat, what to like or dislike. So being an adult and have to make my own choices is very difficult for me. Plus, I‘ve been making mistakes when choosing my jobs… what is not good, this is horrible!
I want to solve this problem I have. I don’t know from where to start. This sounds very weird a person who doesn’t know how to choose my favorite icecream flavor because I don’t know who I am and what I like, so what about choosing my jobs... this is frightening.
I’ve been learning more about myself, who I am and who I was programmed to be. This is crazy how much I was brainwashed and depersonalized.
Took the mini humans to check out Salisbury Aquatic Centre today. They absolutely loved it. As did I to be honest, it's been years since I've been on a water slide!
Now I feel bummed that there's nothing closer. The Parks a run-down, decrepit thing with nothing for kids any more, and Largs Bay/Seaton are swim centres. How do we get the state government and PAE to spend $30m on a centre for us? 😁
My friend found this two models and he wants to give them to me. He says that he think they are Mantifexes but I don't found any image on Google.
I think they could be raveners but I'm not sure.
Are they a uncommon?
So, is anyone else concerned that with changes being made at USCIS with this new administration that resources will be cut from the records division further affecting our ability to request and receive records or CONE? Mine are in process but they already have such a backlog. Even if they are self funded by record fees(which I’m assuming they are), if there aren’t bodies to work these requests, well that would be the proverbial cherry on top of the 💩.
Hallo zusammen,
in den letzten Wochen habe ich mein erstes eigenes SaaS-Tool entwickelt – mit der Unterstützung von KI, was unglaublich viel Spaß gemacht hat. Es heißt Sophiena und ermöglicht es, weltweit Unternehmen in bestimmten Branchen und Regionen zu finden – komplett kostenlos.
Ich weiß, wie herausfordernd es sein kann, als Startup oder kleines Unternehmen die richtigen Kontakte zu finden – sei es für Vertrieb, Partnerschaften oder einfach, um potenzielle Kunden zu identifizieren. Mit Sophiena könnt ihr gezielt nach Unternehmen suchen und bekommt sofort Ergebnisse, ohne mühsame Recherche oder teure Lead-Listen.
Da es mein erstes eigenes SaaS-Projekt ist, bin ich besonders gespannt auf euer Feedback:
• Würdet ihr es nutzen?
• Welche Funktionen fehlen euch?
• Gibt es etwas, das verbessert werden sollte?
Es ist wirklich noch MVP und anhand euer Feedback würde ich es dann weiter ausbauen.
Hier ist der Link zum Testen: [🔗
Ich hoffe es ist für den einen oder anderen von euch nützlich und freue mich auf euer Feedback!
bunch of (probably stupid) questions, but i am over here freaking out about failing them lol.
1. are you given formulas? i've heard yes and no.
2. how hard are the math questions usually?
3. is there a way to know what parts of math/algebra they will focus on?
4. is there geometry/chemistry (praying no to chemistry)
5. i do online school, and pretty much teach myself. i am struggling with the bluebook exams and i know that sat's will be hell. what can i do to prepare myself to memorize the ways to solve a problem and to just not struggle as much?
I'm a bit scard based on some of the posts in this sub, so trying to provide as much info as I can for the best advice.
For just on 3 months, I've been taking clonazepam. I take every night around 800pm, to help me unwind and relax and help me get to sleep.
Initially, I would take 0.5mg and it would get me to the nice relaxed 'ok time for bed' stage and I would have amazing sleeps.
Then gaining rollerence, after a couple weeks, I would need 1mg to get to that same stage, then a few more weeks, up to 1.5mg, then 2mg... Yesterday, I've had to increase it to 2.5mg and thinking "ok let's stop before this gets out of hand.
So wanting to stop and have some questions:
What would be the best way to taper down?
Can other benzos be used to taper clonazepam, as I have lorazepam (Ativan) and diazepam (Valium) at my disposal.
Is 3 months at the doeses I have been on likely to have many sever effect?
I also have Lyrica (25mg) at my disposal (from a previous nerve injury not related) as I'm am scared of this whole possible experience I'm about to (potential) go through.
Female 31
I currently have the flu and doctors said it’s cause pharyngitis
But I’ve been having such a sore throat swallowing and I’ve just looked in my mouth and either side of my uvula I have a few white patches it’s on the more red parts but at the moment it’s only either side of the uvula not on my tonsils